Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Walt Disney's Storytelling Tips

NW Media Studies, June 2009

Walt Disney on the 30-year process of creating the mega-hit cartoon "Cinderella"

Get rid of extraneous material, anything that slows down the story.
Play for entertainment.
Always look for a tear.
Get people involved with the character.
Get sympathy for the character.
Then have something bad about to happen to the character.
Now you've got your audience.

Be careful not to repeat anything.
Keep moving.
Always end up with a hope or a despair.


Shelby Rebecca said...

Those are some really good tips. I have a Disney Movie idea that I'd like to work on a bit but I'm still developing all of the other garden bug characters. Take care.

Narelle Worboys said...

I'm glad you find it helpful, Shelby. =) I'm intending to elaborate on the application of this list, but haven't got around to it yet. All the best with your projects!

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